Thursday, February 2, 2012

Join us in a variety of Tree Poses plus
more to challenge our bodies.

2012 Yoga for Relaxation and 'more'~~~

Join us Friday Mornings at the
Rice Lake Senior Center
8:30 - 9:30am
12 W Humbird St

Your first class is FREE~~~

(meaning the 'Inner Light' or 'Spirit' in Me, Honors
the 'Inner Light' or 'Spirit' in You)

a YOGA description~~~

The word yoga comes from the ancient Sanskrit root yuj, which means "to yoke" or "to join"—as in yoking together a horse and cart. Today, yoga is commonly defined as union, because the practice helps unite—or join together—many things. On the most basic level, yoga unites the body and the mind through the breath. On the most cosmic level, yoga unites the individual with the universe.
Here's a way to experience this concept:
Sit in a comfortable seated position and tune into your breath. Allow your breath to slow and deepen. Meditate on the word yoga or union or one. What associations do you have with those words? What do they mean to you?
Now move away from your thoughts and simply sit with your concentration on the word yoga. If thoughts intrude, notice without judgment that your mind is chattering, and return your focus to your breath. You are moving into a direct experience of what union truly means.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

~~~Keep serenity with radiant Light of Love in your Heart~~~

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Take Time

Remembering, focusing, sharing,
living life~~~
Take time to spend time
with people you care about most~~~

Friday, October 21, 2011

Mind, Body & Spirit Survival Kit

Rice Lake Yoga Friday mornings 8:30 - 9:30am Rice Lake Yoga
at Rice Lake Senior Center 12 W Humbird St

Enjoy Nature and Remember to ~~~B R E A T H E~~~

What you need for your:


RUBBERBAND Reminds you to be flexible & resilient

GUM Stick with it---don’t give up!

Remember to Hug lots!

TOOTHPICK Pick out good qualities in yourself & others

BALLOON Lighten up your Life! Be joyful & Grateful!
~~~ BREATHE~~~

MINT You are worth a MINT~~~Value YOU!

You are GOOD STUFF! Each an Angel ~~~

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Relaxing in Your Place


Lynda Sirianni loves to share and help others to find ways to feel better
from the 'inside~~out' using our own breath to Relax and Let Go.
Lynda will present an introduction to some Relaxing Techniques that
should help you feel refreshed, rejuvenated and enjoy a Happier Spirit.

Take time for yourself~~for YOU~~ and learn how to relax when you
are not on vacation. Learn how by~~


Thank you for sharing this time with me.
Call me anytime for your personal session
or a group class with me!

Blessings in Wellness,


Contact me for the most reasonable
prices around!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Stretch & Restore

Yoga for your Hip Flexors

In our modern society, most of us lead fairly sedentary lifestyles. We spend a lot of time sitting — sitting at the computer, while watching TV, while driving in the car. While we are in the seated position, the muscles of the hip flexor are contracted. This constant contraction leads to an imbalance in the muscles of the hip area which in turn can lead to lower back problems.
There are several muscles across the front of the hip area whose job it is to pull the thigh and the torso towards each other. The most notable of these is the iliopsoas. The iliopsoas is actually made up of two muscle groups – the iliacus and the psoas (major and minor). The iliopsoas is considered to be the most powerful flexor of the thigh.
Problems in the hip flexors are not due to a lack of strength, but a lack of flexibility. Due to our lifestyles, the hip is kept in a constant state of flexion which causes the muscles to shorten. This will limit your ability to fully extend these muscles. When the muscles of the hip flexors are tight, they pull the pelvis forward, tilting it and creating strain on the lower back.

***Some Yoga Poses to practice:
Pigeon -- Triangle --Lunges
Triangle -- Warrior I --Bound Angle
Dancer Pose and more

Friday, July 8, 2011

Relax and BREATHE~~~

"The fruit of silence is meditation; the fruit of meditation is faith;
the fruit of faith is love; the fruit of love is service; the fruit of service is peace."
—Mother Teresa